Alexis Rey

Spicy romance author


Hello! You've found my little corner of the internet. I'm Alexis Rey, and I write the kind of spice that stays with you, characters you relate to, banter that'll make you laugh out loud, and angst that'll make you throw your kindle at the wall. Welcome aboard!



When It Rains

Brilliant and beautiful, ER doctor Emily Williston has life is under sublime control and her secrets tucked safely away. But when the the insolent student Alex Meyer, comes under her tutelage, her carefully constructed world is thrown into disarray.

Alex, a man with a dark past, is convinced there is a longing for freedom buried beneath Emily's icy exterior. Determined to be the one to unleash her desires, he embarks on a journey to unravel her mysteries.

As they find themselves learning and working side by side in a remote location, they slowly defy boundaries neither knew they had. Just as their connection deepens, they are suddenly stranded and alone when a deadly disaster strikes. The walls around their carefully guarded secrets have no choice but shatter, and Emily and Alex have no choice but to confront their deepest fears and desires. As they face their deepest fears, Emily and Alex are left to question whether their fledgling bond can withstand their true selves.




Master Me Softly

I'm just an ordinary girl, going about my business, when I get rear-ended on a busy Moscow street by a handsome man, in whose car I spot a huge whip with BDSM Club Subspace insignia. He wants to cover my damages and leave, but I have a better idea. On impulse, I demand he bring me to the this elite kink club. Not thrilled to take a novice under his wing, the seasoned dominant agrees to let me tag along. He said he'd look after me, but he never guaranteed a smooth introduction. What's in store for me at the mysterious Club Subspace?


Works In Progress

  • Between Desires

    Nicolette doesn’t think she can have another loving dynamic after her husband dies. She can’t imagine that kind of intimacy with someone, nor does she think she needs it.

    But she does crave the clarity of pain.

    Sam can’t provide intimacy, but he can provide the pain so well, it’s all she’ll ever want again.

    Then she meets Victor, who makes her realize she needs something she forgot all about.

    Which need wins out?

  • When It Rains

    She's supposed to teach him, but is the one about to be schooled...

    Brilliant and beautiful, ER doctor Emily Williston has life is under sublime control and her secrets tucked safely away. But when the the insolent student Alex Meyer, comes under her tutelage, her carefully constructed world is thrown into disarray.

    Alex, a man with a dark past, is convinced there is a longing for freedom buried beneath Emily's icy exterior. Determined to be the one to unleash her desires, he embarks on a journey to unravel her mysteries.

    As they find themselves learning and working side by side in a remote location, they slowly defy boundaries neither knew they had. Just as their connection deepens, they are suddenly stranded and alone when a deadly disaster strikes. The walls around their carefully guarded secrets have no choice but shatter, and Emily and Alex have no choice but to confront their deepest fears and desires. As they face their deepest fears, Emily and Alex are left to question whether their fledgling bond can withstand their true selves.

  • Girl Wonder


    In the whimsical haven of Wonderland, Harper sticks to what feels safe and comfortable—her toys, her friends, and avoiding her messy emotions.

    Damien's always been around, but Harper never paid him much attention, certainly not enough to be aware of the secret infatuation he's harbored for years. Then, suddenly, Harper sees him in a different light and everything changes. Comfort dissolves, forcing Harper to confront her long-avoided pain, and Damien is convinced he holds the key to heal her. Yet, unlocking Harper's healing requires her trust, a vulnerability she's fiercely guarded.

    Will she confront her trauma, allowing Damien to guide her through the chaos of her emotions? Or will she cling to the familiar, risking a chance at true healing and unexpected love?

    This is the final entry into the Wonderland universe.

What’s Alexis thinking about

The Wonderland Chronicles